For fun, I kind of copied one of her Inspirational sketches for "So Dear to my Heart", but changed it around a little. I made the houses more Small World style. I dont know if this works..oh well.
Nobody likes Gorilla Woman. i made a bunch of these a year or two ago. i dont know... Here you see Gorilla Woman pouring herself a stiff drink, another one is making an announcement.
This didn't end up as the final version they used, but i like it anyway. I was on this show for maybe a month and they cancelled it (and brought it back a year or two later).
these were part of my Cartoon Network art show in 2004. These two were purchased by CNS "bigwigs" Brian Miller and Jennifer Pelfrey. They have a great art collection (i've only seen what they have at the studio) which i'm proud to be a part of.